David James
GA-MTH Program Coordinator: first point of contact for audits and approving Georgia Continuing Logger Education credits.

Olivia Walden
GA-MTH Program Assistant: first point of contact for all administrative aspects of GA-MTH, which includes introductory workshop registrations, renewal application processing, and database record keeping.
Email: | gamth@uga.edu |
Phone: | 706.542.7691 |
Address: |
UGA-Master Timber Harvester Program
Harley Langdale, Jr. Center for Forest Business
The University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602-2152
Have a complaint?
Please contact our office with your concerns first. If we cannot agreeably address your complaint, the matter (submitted in writing) will be forwarded to the Georgia SFI Implementation Committee’s logger education subcommittee chair for a direct follow-up with you