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MTH Enrollment

Enrolling in the program

Introductory Workshop

The intro workshop is the primary way to obtain the Georgia Master Timber Harvester (GA-MTH) designation number. Pre-registration is required for both in-person workshops and virtual workshops. Class sizes for in-person workshops is limited and may fill up before the registration deadline.


Transferring From Another State

If you are active in another state's logger education program, you are eligible to transfer into the GA-MTH under certain conditions. Refer to the transfer form instructions for requirements and fees.


Already have an MTH ID Number?

If you are already in good standing (not yet expired and expiring soon), visit our Continuing Education tab to participate in webinars that will go towards your renewal credit hours.

If you just expired last year... Fill out a Reinstatement Form and follow the instructions on reinstating.

If you expired more than 6 months ago, retake the introductory workshop.

Transferring from another state?

If you are active in another state's logger education program, you are eligible to transfer into the GA-MTH under certain conditions. Refer to the transfer form instructions for requirements and fees.